The way you wield the sword
And raise the battle cry
With strength and will
Shirt coloured with blood
Our enemies blood
"Hand is king"
Isn't that what it means?
Your name!
The circumstance surrounding your birth
Birth your name
Was it because your mama was alone
When she pushed in pain
For several hours
Your Papa was in Boma
Pushing and pushing
Kegs of palm wine
And "seeds" of Huto
The gambling game.
Akunna your eldest sister's cry
He ignored
Shouting "just this one and I'm done"
Wasn't that what he always said
But the path from his house
To Boma
Became clearer and clearer
Like the path to "Idemili"
Our only source of water
"Mama is giving birth"
Derinka the herbalist laboured
For several hours Chanting
And praying to the spirits
The spirits of our ancestors
But your Papa insisted
He never left Boma
Till he won or was exhausted from drinking
Every Kobo he willed to Boma.
Akunna ran back to your mama
And met her smiling
Too weak to stand
Or even wipe her tears of labour
Mama had a son
A son!
After the entire Ndinne mocked her
The community of mothers
They mocked Mama for not having a son
"Who'll defend this flock of girls?"
They asked in mockery
This was even a license for Papa
A license to drink and gamble more
"I have a son now"
"I am a man now"
He declared loudly in Boma
You became the Man
He didn't become.
Akabueze you fought the battle
Papa was too cowardly to fight
He drowned his losses in Palm wine
He couldn't defend mama from the village
You defended the family
Even the entire village
How can a good stock sprout from evil
You mastered the art of Ikelegu
The village wrestling
You found a father in Igba the warrior
And you began to walk in his steps
Papa wrestles with palm wine and gambling
You wrestle with wild animals
To provide food for the family
And our enemies
To secure our borders.
Though I'm weak and bent with age
I can not but wonder
"How did this wonder happen?"
This child that ran these muddy street
Now is a tower of strength
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